Join us for Mass!
Sundays are the heartbeat of our community life, the high-point of each week when we gather to lift our hearts and minds in worship with Jesus. The Eucharist - which means ‘thanksgiving’ - brings us around the table of Jesus in unity, celebrating all that God has done for us. As a Holy Spirit people, we sing with open hearts in praise and worship using the gifts of the Spirit. It is from this regular place of encounter - experiencing ‘God with us’ - that all our mission into the world flows.
Time & Location
10:30am-12:00pm at Emmanuel City Mission, 10A Cordelia St, South Brisbane
Emmanuel City Mission is a daytime sanctuary for the homeless and vulnerable. Visitors utilising ECM’s services are welcome to join us for Mass in the chapel, or to continue to enjoy meals and connection in the foyer.
More than Mass
Each Sunday we come together for a dynamic experience of hospitality and community, getting to know the people around us, spending quality time in worship and receiving fresh encouragement for living out our faith. We often journey through a theme or series during this time as we dig into a topic over a number of weeks.
Prayer teams are available after Mass if you would like prayer for anything going on in your life.
Hang around for a free sausage sizzle and barista-made coffee - we’d love to get to know you!
Visit our Connect Desk to find out more about Emmanuel, our ministries and how you can get connected.
We welcome families
Families with babies or toddlers are most welcome among us!
We have a space for toddlers and children below school age where young families can sit and remain engaged in the Mass.
Primary-aged children are invited to participate in a Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Mass (during term time).
See the map for parking locations.
St Mary’s church carpark (entry from Merivale St, right lane) - available from 10am
Qld Theatre Company parking on corner of Montague Rd & Merivale St
Council off-street parking on Merivale St
Street parking